HPUX Operating system
cloning using Ignite-UX Golden Image
Prepare the Host System
from which the Golden Image is to be created.
2) Install all the updated patches relevant to the OS version and release and complete all the tuning of kernel parameters that have to be distributed on all the systems.
From a single server running HP-UX 11i and this version of Ignite-UX, you can install 11i v1 (B.11.11), 11i v2 (B.11.23), or 11i v3 (B.11.23) onto your client systems.
Install Ignite-UX bundle : swinstall -s /var/tmp/Ignite-UX_ALL_C.7.17.391.depot IGNITE
Check the installation : swlist -l bundle | grep -i ignite
Make sure that the installation utilities are listed here for ignite UX server for the version of OS that is needed to be installed on clients
Example: can be Installation Utilities for HPUX 11.23
5) Edit
/etc/services :
Make sure that the below are uncommented
tftp 69
instl_boots 1067
instl_bootc 1068
bootps 67
bootpc 68
tftp 69
instl_boots 1067
instl_bootc 1068
bootps 67
bootpc 68
6) Edit
/etc/inetd.conf and make sure the below lines are present, if not make an entry
for them and re-read the inetd configuration using inetd –c.
tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/lbin/tftpd tftpd\ /opt/ignite\ /var/opt/ignite
instl_boots dgram udp wait root /opt/ignite/lbin/instl_bootd instl_bootd
tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/lbin/tftpd tftpd\ /opt/ignite\ /var/opt/ignite
instl_boots dgram udp wait root /opt/ignite/lbin/instl_bootd instl_bootd
vi /.rhosts
--- add the entry as to avoid any access issues from the client to the
ignite root
ignite root
Check if /var has enough space to hold the ignite image.
Always make /var big enough on the ignite server. – bdf /var
Prepare NFS on the Ignite server:
/etc/exports; add the below entries and if needed make both these directories
be recursively owned by bin:bin /var/opt/ignite/archives -anon=2
the file system from the ignite server.
#chown -R bin:bin /var/opt/ignite/clients
#chown -R bin:bin /var/opt/ignite/archives
#chown -R bin:bin /var/opt/ignite/clients
#chown -R bin:bin /var/opt/ignite/archives
sure that nfsd is running on the ignite server, else restart the NFS server
#/sbin/init.d/nfs.server stop; /sbin/init.d/nfs.core stop
#/sbin/init.d/nfs.core start; /sbin/init.d/nfs.server start
#/sbin/init.d/nfs.server stop; /sbin/init.d/nfs.core stop
#/sbin/init.d/nfs.core start; /sbin/init.d/nfs.server start
that if the Ignite UX server is 11iv3, the /etc/exports has to be converted to
/etc/dfs/dfstab – to do the same run the command exp2dfs
make a directory on the server to hold the golden
image - mkdir /var/opt/ignite/archives/Rel_B.11.23
On the client run the command to create the golden
image on the ignite server.
-s -d /var/opt/ignite/archives/Rel_B.11.23 –u
-u checks the space sufficiency on the Ignite server so as to see if the client ignite image can be held there.
12) If the ignite golden image is to be made on the local system . We are creating the golden image of the ignite server on the server itself.
make_sys_image -s local -d /var/opt/ignite/archives/Rel_B.11.23 –u
Configure the image as golden image once the make_sys_image completes.
On the Ignite server:
Copy the Golden Image Configuration template file to
a name golden.cfg or any name of you like. (This is shown for 11.23), approach
would be same for 11.31#cp /opt/ignite/data/examples/Rel_B.11.23/B.11.23.golden_image.cfg /var/opt/ignite/data/Rel_B.11.23/golden.cfg
14) Find the impact entries for this archive
#/opt/ignite/lbin/archive_impact -t -g /var/opt/ignite/archives/Rel_B.11.23/client.gz > /tmp/golden_imapcts
15) Edit the golden.cfg to put the impact entries and Source location of the Image on the Ignite server NFS
nfs_source = ""
Also put the impact entries there in as obtained in the /tmp/golden_impacts in the proper SW_SEL IA 64 stanza
On the Client:
Save the root VG LV Layout to work as the disk
partition configuration #/opt/ignite/data/scripts/save_config -f
/tmp/saveconfig.out vg00On the Ignite-server
17) Edit the Post load and Post Config Scripts on the Ignite server
-config script:
Post -load script: /opt/ignite/data/scripts/os_arch_post_l
Post -load script: /opt/ignite/data/scripts/os_arch_post_l
Ensure post load script has the following entries
merge_file /etc/hosts
save_file /etc/resolv.conf
save_file /etc/rc.config.d/namesvrs
save_file /etc/fstab
save_file /etc/nsswitch.conf
18) Update the Ignite INDEX file /var/opt/ignite/INDEX by adding the below stanza
description "HP-UX B.11.23 Golden Image"
check the correctness of the INDEX file : instl_adm
20) List INDEXES: manage_index –l
21) Edit the /etc/bootptab file on Ignite server for temporary IP to be allocated to a NEW client that will be booted and installed using the Ignite server
the /etc/bootptab on the Ignite server add the below stanza for each client
towards the end of the file20) List INDEXES: manage_index –l
21) Edit the /etc/bootptab file on Ignite server for temporary IP to be allocated to a NEW client that will be booted and installed using the Ignite server
Save and exit.
Where,ha=MAC address of client, find it from a client
ip= temporary IP to be given to a client during install
sm=subnet mask
gw=gateway IP
ds=DNS server
On the client go the EFI shell and if there are multiple LAN interfaces run the command below to create a DBPROFILE (direct boot profile)
the appropriate LAN interface from the LAN Interface options on the client to
be booted.
/temporary_mount; mount –F nfs
#bdf –t
nfs; umount /temporary_mount
ON Client:
# tftp <Ignite_server_IP>
tftp >
get /opt/ignite/boot/nbp.efi
On client: #bootpquery <MAC_address_of_Client_network_interface>
-s <Ignite_server_IP_address>
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