Friday, April 6, 2018

Basic OS Configuration of the OpenStack Pike TripleO undercloud server before preparing it for the undercloud installation

These are the steps to configure basic OS things on the undercloud server before we prepare this for the undercloud installation.

Set the hostname of the Undercloud server (if not done during the OS installation)

hostnamectl set-hostname 

Confirm the hostname has been set


Configuring the Static IP information on the undercloud server (if not done during the installation of the undercloud OS)

Ensure that the ethernet network interface of the server has a static configuration 

Edit the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ens3 to look like this 


Disable the NetworkManager and Firewalld services and enable the network service on the undercloud

systemctl stop firewalld NetworkManager 
systemctl disabme firewalld NetworkManager 

Start and enable the network services 

systemctl enable network 
systemctl start network

Setting SELinux to permissive mode on the undercloud server

set /etc/selinux/config to be in permissive mode (id this is in disabled or enforcing mode earlier)


set the SELINUX mode to 1 

setenforce 1

You should ideally reboot the server once as the SELINUX file context will be applied to the files at the system reboot.

Setting up the http_proxy and the https_proxy on the undercloud server 

This is needed as the undercloud server has to go to a proxy first before tryimg to reach to the internet.

Set the env proxies 

echo 'export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=
export no_proxy=$(echo $(cat /etc/hosts| grep -v ^# | grep -v ^$ | awk '{print $1}' | tr "\n" ",")localhost,,,' >> /etc/profile

echo 'export proxy=' >> /etc/yum.conf 

Logoff and log back in to activate the profile or also can do 'source /etc/profile'

OS update on the undercloud server and reboot 

Update the OS 

yum update -y 

Reboot the system 

systemctl reboot 

Go to the Main page of the OpenStack Tripleo on KVM : Openstack Pike TripleO undercloud deployment with overcloud controller HA on KVM (libvirt)

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