Friday, April 6, 2018

Openstack Pike TripleO on a KVM: KVM host preparations for having all the undercloud and the overcloud machines run as a VirtualMachine on the same

KVM Host few basic OS configruations.

These are the few of the basic configurations that have to be done on the KVM Host to make this ready to have the OpenStack Pike tripleo Undercloud and the overcloud installation 

Setting the hostname for the KVM Host.

Ensure that the hostname has been set using

hostnamectl set-hostname

Confirm the same using hostnamectl command, Also put an Entry of the IP address and the hostname in the /etc/hosts of the KVM Host.

Setting the Static IP on the KVM Host

Ensure that the IP address has been set for the KVM Host 

Set a static IP in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-<DEVICE>

Setting the SELINUX to permissive/enforcing mode 

SELINUX can be allowed to be in enforcing mode here in /etc/selinux/config

In this file set SELINUX=enforcing 

Followed by running the 

setenforce 1


Disable the NetworkManager service and stop the same

systemctl stop NetworkManager 
systemctl disable NetworkManager 

Start and Enable the network service 

systemctl enable network 
systemctl start network 


Setting up system proxy and the /etc/yum.conf proxy for the KVM Host

As the KVM host is behind a proxy server, the needed proxy server was added to the KVM host /etc/profile and also to the /etc/yum.conf 

These lines has been added to the /etc/profile of the server 

export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=
export no_proxy=$(echo $(cat /etc/hosts| grep -v ^# | grep -v ^$ | awk '{print $1}' | tr "\n" ",")localhost,,,

Please note the above one helps the undercloud and the other hosts' VIPs /IPs to be kept in the /etc/hosts of the KVM host, so that the subsequent access to the openstack CLI /GUI works from the KVM Host.

The line that was added to the /etc/yum.conf had been 

export proxy=

Updating the CentOS 7 Operating System 

yum update -y && reboot

Reboot after the completion of the update 

Installation of the common utilities and the Libvirt RPMs 

As this is a minimal install of CentOS7, installing few handy utilities and the libvirtd 

yum -y install vim bash-completion net-tools bind-utils curl wget rsync  libvirt qemu-kvm libvirt-client virt-install virt-manager virt-top virt-viewer

Enable and start the libvirtd daemon 

systemctl enable libvirtd
systemctl start libvirtd

Go to the Main page of the OpenStack Tripleo on KVM : Openstack Pike TripleO undercloud deployment with overcloud controller HA on KVM (libvirt)

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